Your Beautiful Baby – A Guide to Baby Modelling

After the courageous journey you have both shared, your tiny tot is finally in this big wide world! What a life-changing moment as any parent will describe when they see their newborn for the first time in the flesh. You’re looking into the eyes of your world as they look back into yours!

Welcome to parenthood, mums and dads.

It’s a responsibility unlike any other. You’ll go through the peaks and troughs but trust us, it’ll all be worth it in the end!

If you’re looking for the peaks, particularly in their first years of life, that’ll probably entail sharing precious moments. The more time you’re able to invest, hopefully, the greater the bond you’ll cement as your parent and child relationship develops.

Babies aren’t just seen in the arms of their parents, staring up at the world from their buggy or attending their health and development reviews. You’ll see them in the wider community on different platforms such as at the side of buses, at bus stops, on a train platform, in the train carriage, on motorway billboards and even in planes. If you look closely enough, cute little munchkins are everywhere!

We haven’t even got to baby modelling yet…but we’re finally here. When you see these bundles of joy smiling or tearing up back at you, you ought to know it’s because they’ve been booked as baby models. They might have mum or dad representing them or they might have an agency doing the recruiting, supplying and negotiating for them.


We thought so.

We’re glad you are because Models Direct will lend you some must-know tips about entering the baby modelling world. Here’s the lowdown:

• Your baby doesn’t need prior experience

• They can enter the modelling industry from the day they are born

• If you want to go solo, you can make connections with clients happen with time and dedication

• If you would prefer to not go it alone, choose a government-regulated employment agency that has been fully vetted like Models Direct

• They must do background checks on every single client they collaborate with

• Look at the agency’s reviews, socials and website. What do people say about them?

• Contact the agency to speak to a human (as opposed to an AI bot or just communication via email)

• Query how they make model bookings happen. (Do they just put models up on their website and claim to actively book them with clients?)

• Build your baby’s portfolio with a variety of images, poses, outfits, settings

• Keep a check of their measurements (length and show size) and physical characteristics such as eye colour, freckles, and birthmarks.

Every stage in a baby’s development is different and in fact, every day is different. During your baby’s first few years, you’ll see the most profound changes in the things they learn to do. It’s an amazing time which we’re sure gets captured on your mobile.

Is your bambino content, and feels relaxed in new environments and seeing new faces? Some babies can have a wobbly start but with time grow into their character, feeling happy and bubbly whilst others start sleepy and soundless but once the weaning and teething begins, it feels like everything starts to go downhill. This shouldn’t deter you from putting through a baby modelling application for them.

Our clients who are looking for newborns or infants for their marketing campaigns make special provisions for baby models. They ensure that lighting, noise, and foot traffic are kept to a minimum to bring comfort to baby and ease for parents and guardians. Have a look at how Stavroulla’s little bundle of joy, Penelope, got on for her first assignment for Rotavirus vaccines:

“First timer here! My daughter was selected and they needed a mother role, so I thought why not? Very anxious, not knowing what to expect, but it was a fab day out, enjoyed every moment and everyone was so nice! From the start, communication with Models Direct through to the people looking after us on the day! Fantastic!”

So how about it? Enjoy your parenthood with the opportunity to try out baby modelling with our agency. Our clients are looking forward to meeting you and your baby.