Supermarkets are perhaps the most familiar of retail outlets.
Who has never been down the aisles at one time or another, trolley or basket in one hand, shopping list in the other? They’re pretty much essential, and they are always competing with each other through big budget advertising campaigns, price-cuts and special offers to tempt customers with everything from essential items to luxury products.
Supermarkets are huge businesses, and they know exactly how the retail trade works. It’s one of the reasons they work with your favourite modelling agency to appeal to a wider audience. We’ve been proud to work with several of the big hitters, as they trust us to present to them the best models for their campaigns. It’s a relationship that we hope will continue for a long time to come.

Supermarkets generally appeal to families and everyday folk. Their campaigns tend to require commercial models, who represent households throughout the country. These promotions are ideal for models looking to embark on their first modelling jobs: there are no restrictions, and, like all our assignments, working with supermarkets is fun, rewarding and in a safe environment (often with free food!). Models work with professional photographers, and assignments are fulfilling days out. Simply, supermarkets look for keen commercial models to portray regular customers. For supermarket modelling roles, the floodgate is wide open and the opportunities for models are endless.
As Covid cases drop and energy prices increase, competition between supermarkets is at an all-time high; everyone is looking for better deals and money-saving options. A quick look in the papers or at the TV adverts (as well as online presence) will support the trend for retail rivalry. Which is good news for commercial models. More than ever, supermarkets must attract more customers to reap larger profits – hence, more effective advertising ploys are required…step up models!
Let’s focus on some recent successes our models have had with our supermarket clients. We hope it gives you a taste of what you could achieve as a commercial model!

Morrisons is one of the UK’s “Big Four” supermarkets, and we’ve had a cracking relationship with them for some time now. The Semedo family are so camera-friendly they’ve been invited more than once to a Morrisons’ campaign. The links below detail their modelling work promoting the supermarket’s Easter treats, and to tell the country about the retail giant’s café upgrades. Simple, effective, enjoyable work, we think you’ll agree – perfect for a hard-working family who love to be together on set.
Jaya and her son Ethan were chosen by Morrisons to advertise their Mother’s Day campaign, which proved to be a genius idea! Their “Pocket Money Menu” was truly inspirational, and gave youngsters the chance to buy in-store delicious treats for their caring mothers. Job done!

Tesco was on the hunt for a teething toddler for an internal video, and brilliant model Ellison was put forward by yours truly. The famous supermarket was delighted with the end result, and it further highlights how child and baby modelling is just as useful as adult modelling – even if Ellison’s vocabulary was limited!

Though we’re proud of all our model’s achievements, Noah deserves a particular mention. Sainsbury’s were looking for the ideal child to star in their Christmas video, and Noah fit the bill perfectly. Noah was born with spina bifidia and has overcome many challenges to lead a happy life. Noah was the pride of the campaign by helping a family decorate a Christmas tree, and his face said it all! This was a great example of how commercial models are used by supermarkets in a safe setting – and with a pay cheque upon completion! What’s not to like? Read more about Noah’s experience below:
Profit-wise, supermarkets can have exceptional years, as well as little slumps. The world is constantly changing and nothing can be taken for granted. However, we believe working for supermarkets and other retail giants is one of the most satisfying jobs for our commercial models – and often demand high fees!
For your chance to star in a supermarket campaign – or indeed any others with our top clients – apply with us and see where your modelling journey takes you!