Our clients are one of the most important cogs in the well-run machine that is Models Direct.

Without them there wouldn’t be the rich variety of jobs on offer to our models. All of them know the importance of finding the right models for assignments. They also rely on us to put forward talent anywhere in the country at short notice; sometimes we need to rise to the challenge of providing models in a matter of hours. It’s our expertise and reliability that really makes us stand out.
Our client list is huge and diverse. In fact, it’s the largest in the UK. There are two reasons why our list is so extensive:
1. We’ve built up our clients over three decades of committed hard work. They trust us as the most effective way of securing fresh talent for their advertising and marketing campaigns.
2. The rise in popularity in acquiring models by brands has increased steadily. As more brands realise that “real” models remain the most effective way to appeal to their customers, a lot more brands turn to agencies to fulfil their requirements. As the UK’s no.1 modelling agency, this is where we excel.
Many of you might be curious to know who our clients are – if you weren’t already.

It’s a futile exercise to simply reel off a few hundred names – and in any case you can read the list here.
It’d be more helpful to give examples of some of the clients we work with.
Clients are brands or companies. Some are small businesses with big ideas but limited budgets, whilst others are globally-recognised companies with millions of pounds set aside for marketing. Others are SMEs. The size of the client is irrelevant to the dedication we give in putting forward the best-suited models; we treat every the client the same – that is, to provide ambitious and talented commercial models to serve their needs.
A selection of different types of clients we work with include:
1. Brands found in supermarkets – e.g. Naked Smoothies. Models are essential to increase brand awareness, thus allowing them to compete with similar brands.
2. Retailers – e.g. Morrisons. Without customers, retailers wouldn’t exist, of course. Rivalry between retailers has never been so fierce, so making the perfect advertisements appeals to new customers as well as keeping regular ones.
3. Niche markets – e.g. Urban Space. We have lots of clients who specialise in products and services – all of them needing models, particularly in certain times of the year. A great example is universities reaching out to potential students in the summer.
4. Animal companies. Pet modelling remains popular. The trend is likely to continue for many years. If you have a dog, cat, rabbit or any other camera-friendly pet, they could be starring in one of many pet assignments we organise for animal brands like Pet Lab.
5. Charities. Clients don’t have to be businesses with profits their priority. We’ve placed many models with respected charities, including renowned homelessness organisation CentrePoint.
Our clients know we’re the best at what we do – giving them choices of models from which they pick their preferred ones. We vet each one prior working with them, and most have been with us for years, cementing our business relationships.