What kind of modelling pictures should I take? Top tips from Models Direct

Perhaps the idea of modelling has interesting you for some time but you have been unsure about what kind of pictures to send to us to have a look at.

Or perhaps you know the sort of photos you would like to take, but just don’t know how to get started.

Well, we are always here to give you lots of advice and help because we want to you to feel confident in the images you are sending us – and we are always keen to see you at your best.

So here are some of our top tips for would-be male and female models, as well as the parents of babies, children and teens:

You can take your own photos – we do not have to see professionally taken pictures. As long as the pictures you send us that you have taken on your own phone or digital camera are sharp and show you off well, then we can work with those.

Do your research – browse our blog pages to see just how clearly you can see the models in the pictures we use. Look at images of models in magazines to see how they are framed in a shot, as well as how they respond to the camera and how their character shines out.

Experiment with your shots – play about with the outfits you are wearing in your modelling shots. Get out and about to take some in interesting and colourful outside locations. Try a few indoor photos too, where perhaps you can try different levels of lighting to see what works well and what doesn’t.

Provide us with a variety of images – try to give us a selection of several different shots, so we can see you in a variety of poses. We would like to see at least one close-up, head and shoulders, if possible. And one full-length body shot, where we can see you from top to toe. It can also be helpful to see at least one with a  fairly straight face and another where you are smiling, laughing or really letting your character shine out in another way.

Take seasonal shots – update your e-portfolio images with some new photos every season. Change your look to match the time of year. Be creative and colourful so your pictures stand out. Again, this helps us to see a different side of you as an individual and shows us just how serious you are about your modelling because you are dedicating time to keeping your e-portfolio looking fresh and up to date.