We are on the countdown to December 25 and, if you are lucky enough to have received a new bundle of joy this year, then this will be your baby’s first Christmas!

There’s nothing quite like seeing your little one’s eyes light up when they first catch a glimpse of a bauble on a tree or some twinkling festive lights.
And, of course, there’s even more fun to be had unwrapping presents and playing with new toys on Christmas morning.
With all this in mind, there is no way at all that you aren’t going to be snapping away over the coming days and weeks – capturing that cheeky grin and those smiling eyes as they take it all in.
So, as you do so, why not think about taking a few extra pictures for us here at Models Direct too?
Whether your tiny tot has already joined our agency or this is something you are considering, we’d love to see some gorgeous Christmas baby photos.
For those who are already with us, uploading some colourful new seasonal shots is the perfect way of showing us that your baby’s e-portfolio is bang up to date.
And for those eager to find out more about baby modelling with Models Direct, Christmas pictures are ideal for sending in to us along with your online form.
Make sure to follow our top tips for taking and sending photographs to us.
You don’t need to fork out for professional pictures and you don’t have to have a whizzy camera but the images do need to be clear, sharp and of a high resolution.
Make sure each picture is well lit and that the background is not too busy and distracting.
And, if at all possible, save and upload them to us without reducing them in size.
The beauty of Christmas shots is that they can be lovely and bright – dress your little one in something green, red or sparkly to really make the most of those festive vibes.
We’d love to see them beside or holding a seasonal prop too – a cuddly reindeer, a Christmas stocking or a wrapped present…
Seeing them interested, engaged or laughing away will really show them in their best light, but please ensure we can see the whole of their gorgeous little face within the shot.

Having recent photographs on a baby model’s e-portfolio is essential if we are to put them forward to our clients as we all need to know that your bundle of joy still looks as they do in their pictures.
And, of course, if they are put on a shortlist with other suitable babies, they have every chance of being selected for an assignment.
Our baby models and their parents find modelling with us a rewarding business –at any time of year!
Little Sienna’s mum told us:
“Sienna and I had lots of fun on this photo shoot for baby sleeping products!
“It was like a F1 tyre change with lifting Sienna as she slept from pod to pod to model four different product designs!
“I was a very proud mummy watching Sienna be adorable during this shoot and we cannot wait to do more with Models Direct!”
And the feedback for lovely Lola was just as positive:
“Lola and I had the best experience today.
“We were made to feel very welcome by the client.
“They called Lola their ‘boo star’ because her face lit up every time they played boo with her.
“I’m not sure what I was expecting to be honest, but this was better than anything I could have imagined.
“Lola had to model some baby sleep bags and some vests.
“The pictures were taken in a cot, on a mattress, a rug and a snuggle pillow.
“I would recommend this type of experience to people who have a happy, cheerful baby because you do not have to do anything – they are just themselves.
“I found Models Direct on the internet and am glad I chose them.
“I hope to get more job offers for Lola soon!”
Parents interested in finding out more about baby modelling through us can fill in our form and upload their pictures here.