Every modelling agency will have its reasons why you should join them rather than another agent or organisation – and at Models Direct we are no exception. Yet, unlike many…
Modelling – it is worth the wait!
For those who have joined Models Direct – and those who are considering joining us – but have not yet had work we would say please be patient, modelling is…
How Do I Know If I am Suitable for Modelling?
You’re on the right page if you’re looking for the answer to this question! Are you wondering whether you can make it as a model and whether you’re a suitable…
Don’t forget to answer our calls!
Communication is key, but it only works if both parties think in the same way. As our schedules mount up, business continues to flourish. We wouldn’t have it any other…
Modelling 101: Essential Tips for Models Direct Beginners
“How do I get into modelling?” This is a very popular question we get asked. Are you ready to get started as a Models Direct model but not sure where to begin? This blog is your roadmap to kick-starting…
What kind of modelling pictures should I take? Top tips from Models Direct
Perhaps the idea of modelling has interesting you for some time but you have been unsure about what kind of pictures to send to us to have a look at….
Is modelling fun?
We’re not really fans of buzzwords in the Models Direct office. Instead, we prefer to listen to opinions and to stick to facts. Every day we receive feedback from our…
Posing in character
Posing in character is a quintessential skill of commercial modelling. Successfully masquerading as a key person in photo shoots and films can make or break a modelling assignment. Posing in…
Your beautiful pet – a guide to pet modelling
Those of you who like to keep updated with modelling news will know the importance of pets. First and foremost, they are part of millions of households – part of…
Embracing you
Have you ever looked in a mirror and given yourself a compliment? A real, heart-felt congratulation? If you have plenty of good friends and a supporting family, this act of…