Teeth are one of the first things people notice. They can work both ways for a model: most will be super confident about their smile, willing to show off their…
DIY Exercise
Models love to keep fit, as exercising is just as good mentally as it is physically. Many will have joined gyms in the New Year ahead of the warmer months…
OK, so at the time of writing it is still summer in the UK. The season is important for fashion and wellbeing, with the benefits of sunshine featuring high on…
Did you keep fit through Summer?
OK, so at the time of writing it is still summer in the UK. The season is important for fashion and wellbeing, with the benefits of sunshine featuring high on…
Feeling fatigued?
How to cope with tiredness when you need to be on top form.. Models sometimes have a hectic lifestyle. Sticking to a busy work schedule is undoubtedly difficult, but actually…