There is lots of fun to be had this winter, but we are all aware that we need to be a little cautious and look after ourselves perhaps a bit more than usual to ensure we stay healthy.
We have had long periods of lockdown and greatly reduced social interaction meaning our immunity to colds and other illnesses is likely to be reduced.
So, here are Models Direct’s top 10 suggestions for all models, aspiring models and anyone else interested in keeping well this winter:
1. Much of the advice regarding avoiding catching colds and other illnesses is obviously the same as for Covid. If any family member is ill, try not to get too close to them, ensure any used tissues are disposed of properly and make sure everyone washes their hands regularly and uses their own bath towels and flannels. Keep windows open if it is not too cold to do so.
2. In terms of general health and wellbeing, the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to give up smoking. This will not only reduce the likelihood of you contracting serious health problems later in life, but it will also help strengthen your lungs against possible respiratory diseases.
3. Alcohol is next on the list. While there is nothing nicer than having the odd glass of red wine on a winter’s evening or a pint in the pub with your friends, it is important to drink in moderation. Not only does excessive drinking lead to long-term health issues but it affects the immune system, making you more susceptible to illness.
4. Ensuring you have a balanced diet, with plenty of different fresh fruit and vegetables, plus portions of food from all the main groups, will also help your body to fight disease. Eat well and cook from scratch with fresh ingredients as much as possible.
5. If you feel you might be lacking in particular vitamins or minerals, talk to a healthcare practitioner to see if supplements might be helpful. Most people, however, should not require supplements if they are eating a broad, balanced and nutritional diet.
6. Stay well hydrated. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. Try to stay away from sugary drinks and too much juice. One glass of fresh juice or a smoothie a day is fine. These do have nutritional benefits but contain a lot of natural sugar, so be wary.
7. Try to exercise at least three times a week. Find classes, go to gym sessions or just head off for a walk, run or cycle ride. It is important to keep your body moving, especially in the colder months when the temptation is to huddle inside where it is lovely and warm.
8. Think of your mental health. It is easy for life to swing between being stuck in at home and stuck in at work during the winter months. Doing your exercise sessions away from the house has the dual benefit of getting you outside, into the fresh air and doing something different as well as getting your body pumping. Arrange to meet friends for a walk, a drink or a meal out every now and then as well. If you feel a little low this winter, then tell those who love you and perhaps they can help you work through it. Making yourself socialise every now and then, even when you don’t always feel like it, can be good for your mental health. If you are really struggling with your mental health, then make an appointment to see your GP.
9. Finally, think about what makes you happy. Take a moment to consider the things you really enjoy doing: watching a favourite television show, reading a book or having a long, hot bubble bath. Try to ensure you do something that gives you pleasure – something just for you – at least once a day. Life can be sometimes hard, but the small moments of enjoyment can make a real difference.