Pearly whites, healthy gums – how to be smiles better

Teeth are one of the first things people notice. They can work both ways for a model: most will be super confident about their smile, willing to show off their pearly whites at every opportunity – camera or no camera. That’s good news, as a healthy mouth is vital to portray a range of expressions and emotions our clients will appreciate.

But not everyone has the mouth they long for. There’s more to a mouth to be proud of than brushing your teeth thoroughly twice a day. Gums, roots, enamel…they’re all delicate, and need special attention to achieve a five-star rating from your dentist.

Read our top tips to secure a more confident smile. They could go a long way to being noticed by our clients and being offered more wonderful modelling assignments.

Don’t rely on whitening toothpastes. Some can be useful, but they must contain fluoride. A lot of whitening pastes can be abrasive, which can accelerate enamel corrosion. If you do use them, brush softly. Better still, opt for hydrogen peroxide-based professional treatments, which are usually safe and very effective for removing the effects of smoking, aging and general stains. This option is more expensive, naturally, but is better for your mouth in the long run.

  • Brush properly. Well, obviously…but what is “brushing properly”? Many of us brush our teeth too hard, which can result in receding gums. Instead of spending a frenzied couple of minutes cleaning your teeth in a random routine, concentrate on each tooth separately. Use an electric toothbrush. Aim the brush head at a slight angle half on a tooth and half on the gum above it. Hold the brush head for five seconds on each tooth. Go softly.
  • Use mouthwash at the right time. Try antiseptic wash with fluoride, but do not use immediately after brushing as this washes away some of fluoride from the toothpaste. Get into a routine of using mouthwash at other times, such as after breakfast or lunch. Also, do not eat or drink anything for about 30 minutes after using mouthwash.
  • If you ain’t flossing you’re losing out. Try flossing with traditional string floss, but, again go easy. Too vigorous flossing can lead to bleeding gums. Interdental brushes are also recommended – they are cheap and readily available from high street shops.
  • Change your diet. If you haven’t upped your daily intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, now is the time to start. Most contain essential vitamins and minerals to help maintain a super healthy mouth. Plus, they are crucial for a glowing complexion – something that gets a lot of models noticed. Chewing sugar-free gum can also encourage saliva production, which can counter bad breath.
    Lastly, experts recommend visiting your dentist at least once a year, or a hygienist every six months for a satisfying deep clean.

If you’re happy with how your teeth look and mouth feels, keep doing your hygiene routines. If you’re not, just following a couple of the above steps will vastly improve your oral hygiene.

Happy smiling from Models Direct!