Family modelling is a truly unique experience and quite unlike anything else you and your loved ones are likely to do together.

It can be hard work, but it is also a great way to spend quality time together.
It also introduces you all to new experiences and provides the chance to earn a little extra income.
Sounds good so far?
Well, read on and we will tell you a little more about what to expect from it…
Firstly, if you are interested in putting yourselves forward for family modelling, then tell us a little about everyone and send us some pictures.
Remember, we love to hear from families of all backgrounds, ages and formations – you could be a single parent with one child or a multi-generational family with six!
We will then call you for a chat and if you – and we – decide family modelling with Models Direct is right for you, then we will represent you.
- Modelling with my family – what to expect
- Commercial Modelling – How to Get Involved
- What Kind of Baby & Child Modelling Jobs Do You Get?
- Our Busy Agency
- Tell us your skills!
This means you will be asked to maintain an e-portfolio with recent family photos and we will put you forward for assignments where a family like yours is required.
If our client selects your lovely lot for their film or photo shoot, one of our friendly agents will call you to explain more.
They will tell you where and when the job is, what will be involved, the fee you will be paid and whether any expenses will be covered.
And you can then decide whether to accept.
Each family modelling job is carefully investigated because ensuring the safety, well-being and comfort of you and your little ones is of primary importance to us.
When you arrive at the location or on set, you will also be well looked after by whoever is overseeing the assignment on the day.
The production team will give you clear instructions and will tell you where to take the children to play, rest and have refreshments during breaks.
You will be asked to act naturally together for the cameras – probably undertaking fairly normal activities, such as playing games or looking like you are going about other daily activities.
After the assignment is finished, we will ask you for your feedback and ensure you receive swift payment.
Our family models love working with Models Direct and we have great fun working with them too.
The Burton family often models with us.
This is what they said after one of their bookings with us:
“Yet again another fab day on an assignment for Models Direct.

“We have had a brilliant day on our photo shoot for a pensions brochure.
“Meqele, Ben and Simon all looked after us really well and made the day so much fun.
“We started our day in a home environment, baking and having fun in and around the house.
“We then moved on to the Battersea Park Zoo – the kids thought it was amazing, especially feeding and petting the animals.
“We finished off with ice cream and playing ball in Battersea Park.
“What a fun-filled day, very tiring but lots of fun.
“A big thanks to Marie from Models Direct for putting us forward for the job.
“We look forward to more adventures soon.”
Does this still sound fun to you?
If so, then please get in touch and tell us all about yourselves!