Now more than ever, most of us are considering ways to earn extra money. Understandably, the cost of so many aspects of life going up.

So, how about becoming a model – whether you have a bubbly baby or you’re a senior looking for something different later in life or any age in between, then you’re on the right page.
Are you looking to earn some extra cash to pay the bills, a getaway or a gift? The list is endless as to where money could be spent, but let’s face it, hard-earned cash is always appreciated.
If you’re thinking about taking up modelling as a side hustle around your other commitments, here’s our little guide to strutting into the world of modelling with Models Direct.
Who do you want to market for?
If you don’t know which modelling category you want to specialise in, no worries. Our modelling specialists can help you. You aren’t limited to a particular niche, you can carry yourself across several modelling sections which will broaden your chances of being booked since the industry is extensive and diverse.

Popular modelling categories to look out for are:
Create your portfolio
Your ePortfolio with Models Direct is your CV for your modelling applications. It’s your collection of images you want to showcase to us and our clients and best of all, you can do it all by yourself. There’s no need for a professional photographer. All you have to do is keep it updated regularly and mix up your images to show your versatility as a potential model ready to get booked.
Keep up to date with the latest news

Yup! This is probably a pretty obvious point but keeping in the loop about all the latest Models Direct news and modelling news around the world is beneficial for any MD goer. Just keeping ahead of all the new jobs coming through our inboxes and landing on our website, our socials and all the amazing collaborations we do is just the icing on the cake.
Look out for what’s going on in your area
From what we’ve seen across the UK, there are lots of opportunities in so many areas for new models to gain fresh local experience. We’ve been seeing local fashion shows, exhibitions, student projects and charity initiatives as examples of what different areas have been celebrating. Stay updated with local news via newsletters and material.
Stay healthy, eat well and clean
Taking care of your health is paramount whether you’re in the spotlight or not. A healthy mind and body always come first, always, and that means eating nutritious foods packed with essential vitamins and minerals. So bye, bye processed foods and welcome cleaner and greener foods.
The same goes for keeping hydrated with fresh water or superfoods and fruit juices. (Just check for the sugar content as some can be deceptively high).
Take care of your skin
Having a good skincare routine is important. This doesn’t mean you need the most expensive products and a whole morning and evening hourly sesh, no.
Just have a simple but what-works-for-you routine with natural products and products that work well for your skin. This can apply to your prospective baby or child model too! Chemical-free and kind products!
Stay resilient and positive
Just as new job applications run, modelling opportunities are the same. You won’t win every gig and that’s okay because not every job will fit your modelling profile. Stay strong and positive and remember, the next opportunity that comes along may be the perfect one for a modelling success.