Teenagers can have a tough time.

True, the life of a teenager can be – and often is – the happiest time of their life, but it’s also a stage where previously unnoticed emotions can start to creep in. Teenagers can be incredibly image-conscious (as can a lot of adults), and can lack a degree of confidence in certain circles. The desire to “fit in” is strong in teenagers, so the latest fashions are often followed, and the latest trends must be adhered to. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course!
With the commercial modelling industry continuing to grow, the demand for teenagers is as strong as ever. We have many clients who are always looking for dependable teenage models with the looks and character to help them with their marketing campaigns.
Speaking of looks, we’re not referring to the stereotypical high-heeled, six-feet plus models flaunting the latest clothes from fashion houses. Though we respect those fashion models, we’re successful professionals at placing models of all ages in commercial modelling assignments – no catwalks here!
So, when it comes to height requirements of our teenage models, what is the general yardstick for the commercial modelling industry? This is an easy one, because the answer is…what yardstick? There is no requirement for teenage height in commercial modelling. That means any teenager would like to earn some valuable cash by becoming a teenage commercial model can do it – absolutely they can!

For fashion modelling, some girls may need to be a minimum 5 feet 9 inches in height, but that general rule doesn’t apply to the vast majority of our teenage modelling work. We work with a whole host of clients, including household brands, councils, schools, retailers etc, and they are very unlikely to specify a height for selected teenage models. Now, that’s something a teenager doesn’t have to worry about if they’re keen to model with us!
We specialise in placing models in traditional, everyday modelling shoots and other jobs. If you’re a teenager reading this – or indeed a parent whose teenager could excel in commercial modelling (and why couldn’t they?) – have a look at the different types of looks a teenager could put to good use
As you can see, the types of categories are broad, which makes it easier for teens to think about what makes them special. Any quirky characteristics can only be an advantage, as can teens who are “plus size”, “petite” or excel in sport. You’ll notice that there is a category for “tall” models, and this is no mistake. Tall teenager models are just as in demand as other categories – it’s just that teens don’t have to be a specific height for the majority of commercial modelling jobs – unlike a lot of fashion models.
A teenager’s life is often filled with new friendships, new emotions, new experiences; tough times are bound to occur, but they are all part of a rich and rewarding life. What better new experience for a teenager than starring as a model? Modelling is highly enjoyable, profitable, and can help a teenager grow in character.
Thank goodness teens don’t have to grow in height to succeed in commercial modelling!
*Please note – a parent / guardian must agree to an application if the applicant is under 18 years’ of age.