Who doesn’t love the idea of loving what you do and being paid for it? Modelling compliments a perfect combo of acquiring professional skills and having fun! However, this blog will focus on model bookings and how it can take time to get booked, have fun and gain skills. Let’s take a look here:

No legitimate modelling agency can guarantee you work
Woah! We know what you’re thinking – “That’s a very direct subheading!” But this statement is very true.
No legitimate modelling agency can guarantee work for models or should be promising unrealistic successes. This is our ethos as a leading agency in this lucrative industry. Models Direct values being upfront, honest and telling it how it is for the past thirty years (which is why we’ve written this blog as an important reminder!) Our approach is consistent and straightforward – we want our models to get the best and fairest experience with us but to understand that assignment bookings won’t happen overnight, and it might not always be a consistent flow of work even though we have many clients approach us.
How should a modelling agency operate?
A modelling agency works as an intermediary between models and clients. Their mission is to scout and represent models, connect them with opportunities, negotiate contracts between models and clients and support models throughout their careers with them. But while they have considerable industry knowledge, expertise and connections that can increase a model’s chances of finding work, agencies ultimately cannot guarantee work as the industry is unpredictable and the final decision to book models rests in the client’s hands.

A sterling agency will support, persevere, and encourage models to keep their portfolio up to date, and if booked then be guided by the following points:
Keeping a positive mindset
Having a professional outlook
Being punctual
Exuding self-confidence
Being patient, open and friendly
Reputable and legitimate modelling agencies will also work through these key areas to prepare models for what lies ahead with assignments they’ve been booked for if clients have selected them for their marketing campaigns.
Having realistic expectations

An agency that is a government-regulated employment agency, has a legal responsibility towards their models to protect their best interests. Models Direct encompasses this and we’ll say it one more time – we don’t ever promise to guarantee work to any of our models as the industry is very competitive. It’s important that our models, no matter what their age is, have these realistic expectations from the modelling industry and what our agency can do for them.
We hope this reading has helped with understanding that modelling work is not a promised, consistent outcome but it is there for the taking when the time is right. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to our expert MD team who will be happy to help answer and talk through anything that is on your mind regarding our intriguing industry.