Have you ever looked in a mirror and given yourself a compliment? A real, heart-felt congratulation? If you have plenty of good friends and a supporting family, this act of self-praise shouldn’t be required that often, but sometimes a person needs to give themselves a pat-on-the-back and a hearty hug.
Embracing yourself is not egotistical. There’s nothing narcissistic or self-indulgent about it, and you should never shy away from being too easy on yourself. Too often people place unrealistic expectations on themselves, resulting in unreasonable disappointment. Sometimes you can be your harshest critic.
People are all different, so the levels of expectation vary from person to person. It’s imperative to live your life within realistic boundaries, whether it’s at work or in a more social capacity. No one is “perfect” (whatever that means, because the word has a variety of definitions). It’s acceptable to have flaws and to have insecurities; when these are conquered, you’ll be a better person for it.
There are plenty of statistics and polls which highlight the importance of maintaining a healthy mind. There is no stigma in having problems with mental health, so the old saying “a problem shared is a problem halved” has never been so accurate. One of the reasons why people don’t stop to appreciate their own strengths is the overwhelming influence of social media. Are you one of those people?

Social media is a prominent tool in modern society. Its advantages and perks are well-advertised, and millions of users in the UK alone average between 1-2 hours daily. However, it’s all too easy to be immersed with social media to a point where users don’t appreciate “real life”. As social media use increases, some find more traditional pleasures play second fiddle. When was the last time you made time for yourself? When did you arrange a meet-up with friends and talk about all things you love? Simple pleasures contribute to a healthy mind. Constantly fiddling about on a small screen can sometimes have adverse effects on your wellbeing.
Embracing yourself is all about self-confidence and making time for yourself. Maintaining a positive mental attitude works wonders on both modelling assignments and in daily lives. By banishing negatives, anyone can achieve a clear perspective on how they want to live their lives. They’ll be times where self-doubt creeps in, but this is natural. We all go through episodes of dark times and uncertainty; by concentrating on the positives and being around trustworthy people, we can all turn negativity into something worth living for.
By now our models should know the value of thinking of the future and staying positive. There’s nothing that can’t be achieved if models stay focused and remain realistic. There will be failures along the way, because we’re all human and not machines (although even machines are not often 100% efficient).
Models have lots to give. When they truly appreciate themselves before anything else, the chance of regular work will increase.