Updating CVs is a necessity for most job seekers. Some people find it tedious, while others think of it as a true reflection of their working life, helping them highlight their numerous strengths.

Whatever your thoughts about work experience or CVs, modelling is a realistic option of working in a refreshing environment without the need of trawling through past CVs to impress us. Expectant models do not need proof of modelling experience. Nor do they need to provide references in any work – either related to modelling or otherwise.
Modelling is seen as a “free shot” to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds throughout the UK. With no previous modelling experience required, it’s the perfect vocation for anybody to use their skill-sets in a fresh way. We’ve seen literally thousands of people from all backgrounds make their modelling mark with our clients, bringing their talents to the wonderful world of commercial modelling. Without these people – just like you – our clients wouldn’t be able to produce striking marketing films and photo shoots. And they don’t ask for experienced models. They need individuals to appeal to wider audiences – call them “everyday” people or anything else…but our models are really the general public with the determination and confidence to better themselves working with professionals in engaging assignments anywhere around the country and even abroad.

So, modelling is for everyone. There is no bias against gender, age, disabilities or experience. Whilst many job openings have stressed unbiased policies, some do purely for legislation. Do they mean it? Most do, but not all. It’s a fact that inexperience really is a stumbling block for job applicants. It’s not surprising, which is why everyone needs to know that modelling really does not require any prior experience.
If ever there was evidence needed, a quick read of our success stories will attest to it. First-time models have enjoyed just as many triumphant jobs as those with multiple bookings under their belts. When we recommend models to our clients, we do so on the basis of our client’s job briefs. Clients do look for models of certain ages, but that’s in line with the market demographics with which they’re trying to engage. We’ve helped hundreds of mature models right across the board to toddlers, which reflects the diversity of models we’re constantly asked to put forward.
Our policy is very simple, and one that needs reiterating: many of our models are debutants, and we’re always thrilled to have them on our books. Without them the industry would go stale. New blood is essential for everyone involved, and discovering the next modelling talent is always a highlight for our team at Models Direct head office.
The second aspect of modelling we stress is the importance of inclusivity. Demand for talent with unique features continues to grow, and we expect it to remain that way. Commercial modelling is for anyone and everyone, and it’s been that way since we started the business in 1990.

To become a Models Direct model and work with some of the best-loved brands around is easily achievable. Models need realistic expectations and a good dose of enthusiasm. We’ll do our very best to turn that desire into exciting work.
And you don’t even need a CV to be a working model – part-time or full-time.