Parents of baby, toddler and junior models often ask us the same question: How often should I take new pictures of my child and update their e-portfolio? Our beautiful boys…
Pre-Booking Nerves and How to Deal with Them
Pre-Booking Nerves and How to Deal with Them It’s natural to feel like a bundle of nerves when you’re facing a new situation (or a familiar one which takes you out of your…
Happy Christmas to all our models – and those thinking of joining us!
It’s that festive time of year again and we are all busy planning our seasonal activities, buying last minute gifts and thinking about the happy times ahead. At Models…
Getting Good Photos of Babies and Children
We have lots of amazing content discussing taking the best photos of our models. We want good snaps, and this time, babies and children are the focus of this latest…
Taking your child to a modelling shoot – top tips
When your child attends his or her first modelling assignment it can be a stressful occasion. But don’t worry, when you have done it once, you will quickly realise how…
Here come the school holidays – and what should we do today?
As the summer holidays arrive, some of us might be lucky enough to be going away for a few days, but – even if we are – that six-week break…
How can I get my children into modelling?
It is not unusual to see girls and boys appearing in adverts and promotions and to think to yourself: “My child could do that too!” And, do you know what?…
How could my child benefit from modelling work?
We all know that children are the future… We’ve been at the forefront of all types of commercial modelling for decades, promoting baby models at one end of the scale,…
UK set to be bigger than Hollywood?
The UK is currently revelling in a £6 billion film and TV expansion, and millions of you could reap the rewards in terms of employment. And this includes models! Pre-Covid…
Spring Into Action – Your Checklist for a Fresh Start This Season
Spring has almost sprung! And whether you are a model, aspiring model or someone who simply enjoys reading our blog, it’s probably a good moment to consider decluttering and refocusing….