When you’re purchasing your next must-have item or replacement, say headphones or wireless mouse, you thank those before you who have kindly left a footprint of valuable feedback for you….
The Realities of Infant Modelling for Parents
Shining a spotlight on baby and child modelling with our number 1 modelling agency; Models Direct. Parents and guardians of children who are models know that the modelling industry is…
Happy New Year 2022!
Well, we’ve finally made it! Congratulations! Another year has sped by, no doubt with spectacular successes, personal highs, and the odd glitch. But that’s life. As the saying goes, it’s…
Be optimistic but also realistic
Signing up to a modelling agency is like signing up with any other agency – work cannot be guaranteed but you have to be on the books to be in…
Why are some models more successful than others?
There are some common questions prospective and existing models ask, and this one usually comes up in the top ten list – why are some models more successful than others? …
Why have an agent – when you can promote yourself?
In various areas of work people often question the need for an agent and modelling is no exception! However, agents can perform vital roles, not only in terms of finding…
Baby Modelling with Models Direct
Steer your baby model’s booking success in the right direction with Models Direct Are you thinking about your baby becoming a mini model star but don’t know which direction to…
Diverse Modelling – What Makes You Unique?
Anyone who follows the fashion industry or takes notice of the world of advertising will see just how much change there has been in recent years when it comes to…
Child Modelling – Top Tips to Success
Many of us have at one time or another have seen a gorgeous face smiling out from an advertisement and thought: “My child could do that!” And quite possibly they…
How is Models Direct Different to Fashion Modelling Agencies?
Commercial vs Fashion Agencies – it’s game on! Okay, that might have sounded a touch dramatic, but there’s always something new to learn about Models Direct – we’re game for…