Modelling when you are 60+

60 year olds don’t need to prove anything. They’ve been there, done it and bought the proverbial fashionable T-shirt. They’re an experienced bunch, with some thinking about retirement if they…

Modelling in your 40s

What a time to be alive! 40-somethings have the wisdom and experience to be well-grounded, yet they’re young enough to get away with behaviour reminiscent of someone twenty years their…

Do I need to pay for photographs?

We encourage anyone to think about becoming one of wonderful commercial models. All we ask is endless enthusiasm, and that you read a little about us before taking your first…

DIY Exercise

Models love to keep fit, as exercising is just as good mentally as it is physically. Many will have joined gyms in the New Year ahead of the warmer months…

A review of reviews

We live in a democratic world – fortunately – and opinions are usually as valid as the next person’s. We don’t all think the same, and we don’t all behave…