Accurately portraying a character is a skill most commercial models need to perfect. We work with the largest range of clients of any UK modelling employment agency, so the sheer…
Could my child be a model?
The world of commercial modelling is as diverse and inclusive as it’s ever been. More brands equal more opportunities for everyone. That includes the cheeky little chappies from the ages…
Guide to family modelling
There’s a great deal of excitement around family modelling. We’ve seen plenty of families star in high profile modelling assignments, cementing their relationship whilst earning some of the best fees…
Teen modelling
Teenagers are an inquisitive bunch, eager to share fresh experiences and try new things. With knowledge and information literally at the touch of a button, they’ve never been in a…
The difference between a showcase agency and Models Direct
In a time where different items can be interpreted as the same / similar, it can be confusing to know what is genuine. Some retailers can put a spin on…
Being you
It’s a miracle of nature that you exist. That’s a bold statement, but a true one, nevertheless. Whilst some scientists argue over the approximate odds on any one person living…
Don’t forget to answer our calls!
Communication is key, but it only works if both parties think in the same way. As our schedules mount up, business continues to flourish. We wouldn’t have it any other…
What kind of pictures should I take?
Being a model gives talented individuals the freedom of expression. We always advise our models to experiment with looks, props, accessories, and different backgrounds. A good variety of photos gives…
Is modelling fun?
We’re not really fans of buzzwords in the Models Direct office. Instead, we prefer to listen to opinions and to stick to facts. Every day we receive feedback from our…
Posing in character
Posing in character is a quintessential skill of commercial modelling. Successfully masquerading as a key person in photo shoots and films can make or break a modelling assignment. Posing in…