Babies are among the most sought-after models these days, but, naturally, new parents have lots of questions they want to ask before putting their little ones forward.
Here Models Direct answers some of the questions we have been asked by mums and dads:
Q: Do you think my baby could become a model?
A: Any baby has the potential to become a model. We have clients from small, local companies to major national and international high street names that request baby models from us for all sorts of project, from online advertising campaigns to product shots. They are looking for cute babies of all ages and appearances to help them promote whatever they are selling, whether that is baby products or something completely different. And your baby could be exactly what they are looking for!

Q: How soon can my baby start modelling?
A: He or she can join our agency from birth. We have a steady stream of requests for newborn babies and find tiny tots are still in demand as they start to sit up, walk and talk. Once you have signed up with us, we will put your baby forward to any clients seeking a little one that matches his or her description. The client then makes the final selection. What is essential is that you keep updating your baby’s portfolio photographs so we have a clear idea of exactly what he or she looks like at the current time. This is very important because babies change so quickly, and clients have very specific requests when it comes to age and size.
Q: Will I be able to accompany my baby on a modelling shoot?
A: Of course! In fact, it is one of our requirements. Your baby needs you to be there and so do we. We need you to chaperone the baby to the assignment and to look after him or her throughout the day. When your baby is required in front of the camera, you will still be on set, where you can see everything that is going on. If your baby is sad, we may need you to help cheer them up or distract them.

Q: How much could my baby earn from modelling?
A: Fees for baby modelling shoots vary and we will discuss each one you are offered with you in advance before you accept or decline it. When you first join us, we do explain that you need to be realistic. However gorgeous your baby is, modelling is likely to bring in some extra income to put away for a rainy day or to save towards that special something. Very few babies model so much that they end up making life-changing sums of money. Many, however, go on to become toddler and then child models and so can continue to earn those extra pounds for the family as a whole or for their savings account.
Q: How can I find out what other parents of baby models think of it?
A: Simply read the reviews on our website! We ask all the mums and dads of our baby models to tell us all about their experiences afterwards. Spend time reading all about the assignments they went on and find out how these went. You can also follow us on social media where we share any behind the scenes photos and footage our parents took themselves.
If you would like to find out more about putting your little one forward for baby modelling, then just contact us at Models Direct.