We trust all our models are confident and outgoing folks, but sometimes working alongside other models takes the edge off any nerves. Some models prefer working with other people, sharing stories and jokes, and receiving communal directions from professionals on behalf of our brands. It’s not quite “safety in numbers”, but our models sure do make more new friends at the end of group bookings.

If you still don’t know already (and if you don’t – why not?) we have close relationships with over a thousand trusted brands. That means a few things, the most important being:
- Each brand (i.e. client) is vetted before we work with them. Most don’t need to be, of course, but we insist on it to protect our models.
- We receive numerous requests for talented commercial models daily (including all kinds of animals).
- The fees we pay to our models vary according to the assignment / brand.
- Several brands are substantial – often turning over millions of pounds in revenue. That means we often have bookings available that need multiple models to satisfy their marketing requirements.
It’s this last fact that needs to be highlighted here. We’ve placed countless models with top brands all over the UK, coming together and working perfectly as a group to produce outstanding results.
Large group bookings often demand that models pose and behave naturally in familiar situations.
An example is one of our long-standing clients, Greene King, asking for a large group of models to be filmed in a pub setting for one of their 2023 Christmas campaigns. When we say “large group”, we mean just over 50 models – all of them registered with us and hand-picked by the brewery giants themselves. Filming such a large group was essential to reproduce what Greene King are all about: customers enjoying themselves in one of their 2,700 pubs across the country. The pub company therefore needed a range of models of all ages and backgrounds to illustrate a typical hospitality scene. Our models didn’t know each other before the assignment, but you can bet they secured friendships went the cameras stopped rolling.
One of the models for the Greene King job was quick to give her feedback on Trustpilot. Selma said, “I spent the day doing a Christmas campaign shoot for a prominent brewery in the UK. Had so much fun and we all got in the spirit of Christmas. The crew were amazing and it was wonderful meeting all the models. Gemma [one of our wonderful booking agents] was amazing pre-shoot and post- shoot, so thank you to Models Direct for such a fab opportunity. Excited to see the finished product!”
We can add that to the numerous other positive reviews for the same assignment. Coming together as large group is truly a great experience, as our models always tell us.

We offer advice and tips to anyone interested in modelling. To supplement these, the following pointers will be useful in case you’re offered a group modelling job:
- Don’t be nervous. There’s no reason to be, as some may be in the same situation as you. You’ll be in good hands. The goal, ultimately, is for everyone to complete a job well done, to enjoy the experience, and to get paid for doing so.
- Be yourself. Unless specifically asked for, models need to behave and look natural – especially if photographed / filmed in a public setting.
- Interact. Modelling is sociable and enjoyable. Relish the experience to grow your ePortfolio, helping to secure more jobs.
- Get in character. Most group bookings mean you’ll most likely be modelling with strangers. Without putting on an act, treat other models as you would friends or family.
- Keep interested. Listen carefully, and ask questions if the need arises. And smile!

Registering with a reputable agency gives models the best chance of being looked at by brands requiring them. With so many famous brands coming to us directly, we look forward to putting many more models forward for group bookings.