From teething problems to nappy changes, and bizarre sleeping patterns to sporadic eating habits, looking after babies is a duty that any loving parent wouldn’t swap for the world. Babies are a 24/7 responsibility, and a delightful one at that. Everyone has a soft spot for cuddly infants. When anyone professes they’re either a “cat person” or a “dog lover”, people who don’t go all gooey at the sight of a baby are few and far between.

We’ve seen a steady increase in opportunities for modelling babies over the years. When we started out in fairly unassuming beginnings in 1990, we thought that the market for baby models might expand – but not to the extent that it has. As any clued-up person would surmise, the world of baby products is a huge – and hugely competitive – industry. Last year in the UK alone, the revenue achieved for baby food was £1.5 million, with estimates that this figure will rise at about £100,000 extra per year. And that’s just for baby food. Just think of all the baby extras required by parents to keep their little ‘uns healthy and content: prams, toys, clothes…the industry is massive, but you can’t put a price on a baby’s wellbeing, can you?
Our clients don’t just extend to marketing baby products – although that is blatantly a good chunk of advertising right there. Some of our clients know that family modelling (including infants) is an effective way to tell their potential customers that their products are safe and child-friendly, whether they be holiday companies, furniture manufacturers or hospitality chains. To appeal to a household, sometimes only a whole family with young children will do. Read more about opportunities for families
We’ve put forward an extraordinary amount of talented toddlers to our clients, including Pampers and Mamas and Papas. At the time of writing, a modelling job for a baby & family to star in a baby formula brand shoot became available, prompting our booking team to leap into gear and put forward a few camera-friendly babies for the assignment. We expect this trend for high-flying babies to increase. Could your baby be the next star? When you register your details with us, we ask for a small fee, then it’ll be all systems go to find you and / or your baby the very best commercial modelling work around!
How much can babies earn? That depends on the client, although we report that many baby fees are in the hundreds of pounds – even up to four figures! One of our babies – the adorable Max – earned £1,620 working with Pampers. Job done! Like we say, it’s big business! Have a look at Max in the link below, and ask yourself: “What’s stopping my baby from achieving the same angelic stardom?” Hmm…probably not a lot, but every success starts with two factors: having the correct mind-set, and choosing the right agency.
What do the parents say? The reviews are in! Feast your eyes on the proud mums and dads who were eager to heap praise on their children, the booking process, and the clients themselves:
We’re always available to discuss any “teething problems” parents might have, such as travelling distances or bright lights on assignment – we know our clients well, so no question is left unanswered. After all, babies are the no.1 priority.

Here’s to more successful baby modelling, and more proud parents!