With the start of a new year, and spring on the horizon, comes the chance to think about steps we can take to become the best versions of ourselves.

There are times when we have all felt despondent and disappointed about the cards we have been dealt and the way our lives have turned out.
We worry about our friends and family; work and domestic circumstances can be challenging – and we all know the world we are living in is not the easiest place to be in at the moment.
Those who feel really low should certainly seek medical help, as well as the support of their nearest and dearest.
We should never be afraid of speaking out and discussing any issues that are worrying us or making us ill – looking after our mental health is as important as looking after our physical health.
But we should also think about steps we can take to help ourselves feel better about who we are – and the changes we can make to help us to become the best versions of ourselves.

We should all be someone who is happy to be in their own skin and someone who is proud of who they are.
The modelling and fashion industries have come a long way in recent times when it comes to promoting body positivity and celebrating male and female models for who they really are.
We at Models Direct are proud of the diverse selection of models we have on our books people of all backgrounds, heritages, abilities, shapes and sizes.
After all, that is who we really are – and that is what our clients require for their campaigns and advertising, in order to entice consumers to buy their products and services.
Consumers are a mixture of individuals, so models should be too.
As you start to think about what you can do to be the best version of yourself, browse our pages and read the feedback from our models.
These are real people who have been selected for jobs – and they are all sorts of very different real people.
Then take stock of what you really want in life: think about your job, your home life and your social life – and consider whether there are any small changes that might make you feel better.
Could a relative look after the children once a week to help you have some time to yourself?
Would walking to work instead of driving make you feel fresher and ready for the day?
Would swapping one of your sugary snacks for a piece of fruit make you feel better in having taken a small step towards healthier living?
Trying to be the best version of yourself doesn’t mean putting yourself under stress, aiming for targets you will never reach and beating yourself up because you think you aren’t succeeding.

Break things down into manageable steps, do small things that might make a difference and be realistic as you reach for the stars.
Everyone should have dreams and there is no harm in aiming high but avoid disappointment by being realistic at the same time.
After all, being the best version of yourself is also about being happy and contented in who you are – and enjoying the journey as you head off to wherever it is you want to be going in life.