Without over-selling or under-selling is the answer!
Getting the balance just right can be tricky for a promotional model, so here are just a few of the questions Models Direct is sometimes asked by those booked to promote a brand and our answers, which should help:
Q: What is promotional modelling?
A: Someone who is employed to appear at a live event, like a show or an exhibition, to either sell a product or to create interest in a particular brand.
Q: Does other modelling work involve promoting a brand too?
A: Yes, most modelling work does. Commercial, lifestyle and promotional models are all usually booked by our clients to promote their brand in one form or another. This may be by appearing in an advertisement or campaign to highlight a particular product within the brand or it may be to portray a lifestyle or aspirational situation which indirectly gives the brand prominence. Promotional modelling is much more direct than other kinds of modelling, however, as it often involves directly interacting with members of the public.
Q: How does promotional modelling work?
A: Every job is different. When Models Direct calls to discuss the potential assignment with you, members of our team will discuss what will be involved. You may have to dress in a particular way and follow very specific instructions or you may be given more freedom to promote the product as you wish within certain boundaries.

Q: Can I model for a brand I am unfamiliar with?
A: Yes, definitely. There are many brands out there that we don’t come across in our everyday lives. We would, however, suggest researching the brand a little before attending the booking. That way you will have a good idea of what it is, what its unique selling points are and why consumers might buy it or use its services.
Q: Should I model for a brand I don’t agree with?
A: We don’t put pressure on any of our models to accept any assignments. If you don’t feel comfortable promoting a product or a brand then you are very welcome to explain this to us and to turn down the offer of work.
Q: What if I am nervous about taking a promotional modelling job?
A: All models will have some nerves before an assignment, especially on their first few jobs. If, however, you are really lacking in confidence or have anxiety issues then promotional modelling is not for you.
Q: Do models have to act when promoting a brand?
A: Yes, the role of the model very often involves a degree of acting. You may well be asked to take on a different role for the purpose of promoting the brand at the event you are attending. Equally, it may simply be about being happy, friendly and approachable – and while they don’t always feel this way, promotional models do need to be able to dig deep and reflect these attributes while they are working.
Q: Do promotional models have to directly sell a product or brand?
A: It depends on the assignment. Sometimes they may have to directly sell a product or brand, while at other times they may be asked to hand out leaflets or samples, draw people over to a stand or create interest in the brand another way. If you do have to sell or promote the brand or product, the trick is to find the right balance between over-selling and under-selling. Whoever is overseeing the promotional models on the day should be able to give you a few tips on how to do this, depending on what the product or brand is.
*For more information on promotional modelling, contact Models Direct.