Not too long ago, Models Direct had asked their models if they would be willing to go without make-up for a modelling job. The response which they received was overwhelmingly positive, with almost everyone expressing their willingness to opt for make-up free faces during a photoshoot. However, being paid to go bare-faced on shoot is one thing – but would they be the same for an international charity campaign?
BBC Children in need has launched the first ever ‘Bear-Faced Day’ campaign, which involves encouraging women around the country to go bare-faced in order to raise money for children and young people living in disadvantaged circumstances. Models Direct were delighted when they head that a whole host of well known models, including Abbey Clancy, Tuuli Shipster, Jodie Kidd and Heide Klum had all agreed to support the campaign, by taking part in make-up free photo shoots, where they had their pictures snapped by world-famous photographer Rankin.
The models weren’t the only ones behind the campaign however; they were joined by a number of celebrities, including singer Lulu, journalist Sian Williams, presenters Julia Bradbury and Caroline Flack, and media personality Louise Redknapp. Models Direct found that Julia Bradbury thought the idea of going without make-up for a photoshoot ‘refreshing’, and that she hoped it would encourage other women to feel confident enough to go bare-faced and help to raise even more money for the charity.
Heidi Klum stated that she was proud to be participating in the campaign and that, having worked within the fashion industry for many years, she is a strong advocate for the empowerment of women, which is why the concept behind the campaign appealed to her so much. Caroline Flack was similarly positive, saying that she was honoured to be asked to participate; she admitted to Models Direct that she felt some apprehension initially at the thought of exposing her face sans make-up, although this soon dissipated as the photoshoot got underway. Flack finished by asking everyone to dig deep to support the great work which this charity does.